Compensation for members regarding season 2020/2021

What a year we have had.

Seniors have been able to train and play very little and also our youth and the Mini's have unfortunately only been able to do so until December without competition.

Due to these corona circumstances, our club has therefore had much less costs than estimated in advance. The contribution receipts remained at the same level. The contribution was calculated on the budgeted costs and revenues. Because we have had fewer costs than expected (less training and matches mean less hall rent, trainer costs and payment to the Nevobo) we as a club will have money left over at the end of this season.

At the General Assembly of April 29th the members present approved that "the profit" will be paid back to all members who have paid contributions. The acting treasurer made a calculation to determine an amount that would be fair. This took into account the final playing/training time of the teams and the amount of contribution paid per member. So there may be differences per member.

The amount will soon be refunded to the bank account where the contribution payment came from.

Will the budget surplus be completely used up? For the time being it is assumed that the remaining surplus on the budget will be returned to current members in the next season by means of a one-time contribution reduction of 40 euros.

Let's hope that next season can go back to somewhat normal. In any case, we will use it as a normal season. The preparations are already underway.